Sunday, September 8, 2019

Clarification of declaration statement

There is a common misconception when it comes to the core of monotheism. The ancient declaration of a single deity to most is just that saying that there is one deity not many.

However, this statement goes much much deeper into the core of what that deity is when the wording is looked at properly.

שְׁמַע יִשְׂרָאֵל xxxx אֱלֹהֵינוּ xxxx אֶחָֽד     

(The 4 letter name is "x"ed out to show respect)

"Hear, O Israel! Adonai is our God! Adonai is One!" 

The declaration of "One" goes deeper than just saying it is a single god. It is a declaration of unity, a grand totality or lets say the grand unification. Yes, the same thing that science is looking for. This can be seen as the totality of Infinity to include all things that the human mind can and cannot comprehend, to include paradox, all thought, everything. For Infinity to be true total infinity there cannot be anything that is not included within it, there is nothing with out it. It is all there is, it is a singularity. ONE. 

Think of the implications of such a statement. There is nothing separate from the divine, to include you, me, your shoe and on and on infinitely. Good/Evil everything to include nothing. Many "religious" concepts, dogma, traditions fall apart and become moot under the weight of that kind of meaning. 

Think about it.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Avatars of the Infinite

Within the concept of the Ein Sof Ohr and it's being our reality could be seen as an attempt for infinity to observe parts of what it is with in the constraints of time/change/cause and effect.

This would of course cause the concept of self to evaporate as all life therefore would be the Infinite "living" in all life. The concept of individualism, souls, and all of that would be an illusion caused by time and the structures of the lifeforms that become it's avatars.

We live our lives and the things we do good or bad adds to a collective understanding for the infinite whole of what it is, happy, sad, joy, hate, anger, and all the spectrum of existence it experiences in all the lives of all life. Death becomes a moot point as in reality there is no such thing.


Friday, March 22, 2019


Lately I've been feeling a urge/need to find a way to utilise my decades of study into some practical function to more actively help others instead of my old passive techniques. I am yet to find a way to do this that can fit into the modern framework, I do not like the idea of calling things by other names for example calling Meditation Mindfulness as it is Meditation, Mindfulness by definition means to pay attention. This is not the nature of Meditation that goes infinitely deeper than just paying attention.

Anyway, back on topic, purpose, how does one find a fitting way to apply the purpose to help others and the world to improve and evolve? Some times a simple few words to a person at the right moment can drastically change their lives, the words have the power. But are there other ways to do the work while allowing the outside world not to notice it at all??? Tikun Olam - To heal the World, through words and deeds.

Notes on the Kabbalah

In the early 90's when I was still running "The Board Of Oblivion" BBS I managed to get a copy of some notes on the Kabbalah sent to me on a floppy disk from the UK.

The author of that document Colin Low now has a website with updated and additional information:

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Scientia, prudentia, sapientia, et humilitate

The knowledge, skill, wisdom and humility

In all endeavours gather the required knowledge, hone the skill needed to succeed, obtain the wisdom through experience, and focus on remaining humble in all dealings with others. 


New name, fresh reboot...

Today I chose to restart my blog with a fresh new look and structure. I will endeavor make frequent updates...